Introducción y tutorial de las funciones del sistema CarPlay Smart Box

1. Menú principal: presione el ícono de la marca del automóvil

1.1 Main Menu - Press Car Brand Icon CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

1.1 Main Menu - Press Car Brand Icon CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

2. Idioma: 11 idiomas diferentes para elegir.

2.1 Language - 11 Different Languages For Option CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

2.1 Language - 11 Different Languages For Option CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

3. Información - Versión del sistema CarPlay Smart Box.

3.1 Information - CarPlay Smart Box System Version. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

3.1 Information - CarPlay Smart Box System Version. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial


4. Pantalla: configuración del brillo de la pantalla

4.1 Display - Setting For Screen Brightness CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

4.1 Display - Setting For Screen Brightness CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

5. Volumen: configuración del volumen maestro del sistema.

5.1 Volume - Setting For System Master Volume CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

5.1 Volume - Setting For System Master Volume CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

6. Bluetooth: emparejamiento para conexión inalámbrica con el teléfono.

6.1 Bluetooth - Paring For Wireless Connection With The Phone CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

6.1 Bluetooth - Paring For Wireless Connection With The Phone CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

7. TV - Para futura extensión. Apágalo.

7.1 TV - For Future Extension. Turn It OFF CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

7.1 TV - For Future Extension. Turn It OFF CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial


8. DVR: para extensión futura. Apágalo.

8.1 DVR - For Future Extension. Turn It OFF. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

8.1 DVR - For Future Extension. Turn It OFF. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

9. VISTA TRASERA: seleccione la guía para la cámara posventa.

9.1 REARVIEW - Select Guidline For Aftermarket Camera. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

9.1 REARVIEW - Select Guidline For Aftermarket Camera. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

10. Teléfono inteligente: para opciones de funciones y reinicio del sistema.

10.1 Smart Phone - For Functions Option And System Reboot. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

10.1 Smart Phone - For Functions Option And System Reboot. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

11. Fondo de pantalla: configuración de la opción de fondo de pantalla.

11.1 Wallpaper - Setting For Wallpaper Option. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

11.1 Wallpaper - Setting For Wallpaper Option. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial


12. Actualización: para actualizar el sistema CarPlay Smart Box.

12.1 Update - For CarPlay Smart Box System Upgrade. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

12.1 Update - For CarPlay Smart Box System Upgrade. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

12.1 Update - For CarPlay Smart Box System Upgrade. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

13. EQ: configuración de calidad de audio para reproducción multimedia.

13.1 EQ - Audio Quality Setting For Media Play. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

13.1 EQ - Audio Quality Setting For Media Play. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

13.1 EQ - Audio Quality Setting For Media Play. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial


14. DVD: para futura extensión. Apágalo.

14.1 DVD - For Future Extension. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial.

14.1 DVD - For Future Extension. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial.


15. BT - Sin función. Apágalo.

15.1 DVD - BT - No Function.CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

15.1 DVD - BT - No Function.CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

16. VISTA FRONTAL: apáguelo.

16.1 DVD - FRONTVIEW - CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

16.1 DVD - FRONTVIEW - CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial


17. CarPlay: ingrese la contraseña "1123", seleccione el ícono de la marca del automóvil y el menú CarPlay RHD.

17.1 CarPlay - Enter Password 1123, Select Car Brand Icon And RHD CarPlay Menu. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

17.1 CarPlay - Enter Password 1123, Select Car Brand Icon And RHD CarPlay Menu. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

17.1 CarPlay - Enter Password 1123, Select Car Brand Icon And RHD CarPlay Menu. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

18. Prueba de calidad de llamadas: configuración de la calidad de las llamadas telefónicas.

 18.1 Call Quality Test - Setting For Phone Call Quality. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial

 18.1 Call Quality Test - Setting For Phone Call Quality. CarPlay Smart Box System Functions Introduction & Tutorial



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