Como conectar o CarPlay sem fio

1. Obtenha Multimídia no menu principal de fábrica. 

Get Multimedia at the factory main menu.  How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

2. Selecione o canal AUX.

Select AUX channel. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

3.Pressione o botão Switch (verifique no diagrama de instalação).

Press Switch button. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

4.Em seguida, obterá o menu principal do SmartBox.

Then will get SmartBox main menu. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

5.Clique em "Configurar", selecione "Bluetooth".

Click "Setup", select "Bluetooth". How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

6. Ative a visibilidade.

Turn "ON" visibility. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

7. Entre nas configurações do iPhone.

Enter iPhone's settings. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

8.Ligue o wifi (NÃO conecte nenhuma rede), você obterá WIFI-AP-*** (não há necessidade de conexão).

Turn "ON" of the wifi. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

9. Ligue o Bluetooth para obter a opção Bluetooth.

Turn "ON" Bluetooth, will get Bluetooth option. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

10. Par de solicitação de emparelhamento Bluetooth.

Bluetooth pairing request-pair. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

11. Permitir sincronização de contatos e favoritos.

Allow Contacts and Favorites Sync. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

12. Clique em "Dispositivo emparelhado" no Bluetooth (a visibilidade será desativada após o emparelhamento).

Click "Paired device" at Bluetooth (Visibility will turn off after paired). How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

13. Clique no Bluetooth do iPhone.

Click the iPhone's Bluetooth. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

14. Em seguida, clique em WIFI Carplay.

Then click WIFI Carplay. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

15. O iPhone receberá a solicitação USE CarPlay e entrará no CarPlay automaticamente.

iPhone will get USE CarPlay request, then will enter CarPlay automatically. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

Todos os trabalhos concluídos. Desfrutando...


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