Come connettere CarPlay wireless

1. Ottieni Multimedia nel menu principale di fabbrica. 

Get Multimedia at the factory main menu.  How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

2.Selezionare il canale AUX.

Select AUX channel. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

3.Premere il pulsante Interruttore (controllare dallo schema di installazione).

Press Switch button. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

4.Quindi verrà visualizzato il menu principale di SmartBox.

Then will get SmartBox main menu. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

5.Fare clic su "Configurazione", selezionare "Bluetooth".

Click "Setup", select "Bluetooth". How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

6. Attiva la visibilità.

Turn "ON" visibility. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

7. Inserisci le impostazioni dell'iPhone.

Enter iPhone's settings. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

8.Attivare il Wi-Fi (NON connettere alcuna rete), otterrai WIFI-AP-*** (non è necessario connettersi).

Turn "ON" of the wifi. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

9. Attivare il Bluetooth su "ON" per ottenere l'opzione Bluetooth.

Turn "ON" Bluetooth, will get Bluetooth option. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

10. Richiesta di accoppiamento Bluetooth.

Bluetooth pairing request-pair. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

11. Consenti la sincronizzazione di contatti e preferiti.

Allow Contacts and Favorites Sync. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

12. Fare clic su "Dispositivo associato" in Bluetooth (la visibilità verrà disattivata dopo l'associazione).

Click "Paired device" at Bluetooth (Visibility will turn off after paired). How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

13. Fare clic sul Bluetooth dell'iPhone.

Click the iPhone's Bluetooth. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

14. Quindi fare clic su WIFI Carplay.

Then click WIFI Carplay. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

15. L'iPhone riceverà la richiesta USE CarPlay, quindi accederà automaticamente a CarPlay.

iPhone will get USE CarPlay request, then will enter CarPlay automatically. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

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