Problema de tela preta no sistema Carplay Smart Box

Quando você encontrar esse tipo de problema, não se preocupe.

Existem 3 razões principais para este problema, siga as etapas abaixo para resolver:

1. Algo errado com a configuração do interruptor DIP, verifique o diagrama de instruções e certifique-se de que a configuração está correta; 

2. Os cabos LVDS-IN e LVDS-OUT estão conectados incorretamente. Por favor, troque a conexão desses dois cabos;

3. Falha no sistema:

  • Reinicie o sistema, conecte o CarPlay ao telefone e entre diretamente no sistema CarPlay. >> Entrar na configuração.

1. Reboot the system, connect the carplay to the phone, and enter the carplay system directly. >> Enter Setting.

  • Abra Configuração >> TV >> DESLIGADO

How To Solve The Problem Of Black Screen When Switching Between The Original Car System And The Carplay System After Installing The Smart Box?

How To Solve The Problem Of Black Screen When Switching Between The Original Car System And The Carplay System After Installing The Smart Box?

  • Abra Configuração >> DVR >> DESLIGADO

How To Solve The Problem Of Black Screen When Switching Between The Original Car System And The Carplay System After Installing The Smart Box?

How To Solve The Problem Of Black Screen When Switching Between The Original Car System And The Carplay System After Installing The Smart Box?

  • Abra Configuração >> DVD >> DESLIGADO

How To Solve The Problem Of Black Screen When Switching Between The Original Car System And The Carplay System After Installing The Smart Box?

How To Solve The Problem Of Black Screen When Switching Between The Original Car System And The Carplay System After Installing The Smart Box?


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