Problem med svart skärm i Carplay Smart Box-systemet

When you encounter this kind of problem, please don't worry.

There are 3 main reasons for this problem, please follow the steps below to solve:

1. Something wrong with the dip switch setting, kindly check the instruction diagram and make sure the setting is correct; 

2. LVDS-IN & LVDS-OUT cables are wrongly connected, kindly switch these two cables connection;

3. System Glitch:

  • Reboot the system, connect the CarPlay to the phone, and enter the CarPlay system directly. >> Enter Setup.

1. Reboot the system, connect the carplay to the phone, and enter the carplay system directly. >> Enter Setting.

  • Open Setting >> TV >> OFF

How To Solve The Problem Of Black Screen When Switching Between The Original Car System And The Carplay System After Installing The Smart Box?

How To Solve The Problem Of Black Screen When Switching Between The Original Car System And The Carplay System After Installing The Smart Box?

  • Open Setting >> DVR >> OFF

How To Solve The Problem Of Black Screen When Switching Between The Original Car System And The Carplay System After Installing The Smart Box?

How To Solve The Problem Of Black Screen When Switching Between The Original Car System And The Carplay System After Installing The Smart Box?

  • Open Setting >> DVD >> OFF

How To Solve The Problem Of Black Screen When Switching Between The Original Car System And The Carplay System After Installing The Smart Box?

How To Solve The Problem Of Black Screen When Switching Between The Original Car System And The Carplay System After Installing The Smart Box?


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