

Get Multimedia at the factory main menu.  How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?


Select AUX channel. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?


Press Switch button. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

4.次に、SmartBox のメイン メニューが表示されます。

Then will get SmartBox main menu. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?


Click "Setup", select "Bluetooth". How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

6. 可視性を「オン」にします。

Turn "ON" visibility. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

7. iPhoneの設定に入ります。

Enter iPhone's settings. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?


Turn "ON" of the wifi. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

9. Bluetooth を「オン」にすると、Bluetooth オプションが表示されます。

Turn "ON" Bluetooth, will get Bluetooth option. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

10. Bluetoothペアリング要求ペア。

Bluetooth pairing request-pair. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

11. 連絡先とお気に入りの同期を許可します。

Allow Contacts and Favorites Sync. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

12. Bluetooth で「ペアリングされたデバイス」をクリックします (ペアリング後、表示はオフになります)。

Click "Paired device" at Bluetooth (Visibility will turn off after paired). How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

13. iPhoneのBluetoothをクリックします。

Click the iPhone's Bluetooth. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

14. 次に、「WIFI Carplay」をクリックします。

Then click WIFI Carplay. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

15. iPhone は USE CarPlay リクエストを取得し、自動的に CarPlay に入ります。

iPhone will get USE CarPlay request, then will enter CarPlay automatically. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?




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