Come guardare film o ascoltare musica tramite USB Flash Player

1. Passa al menu principale del sistema CarPlay Smart Box.

How to Watch Movie or listen music by USB Flash Player After install carplay smart box

2. Collegare il flash USB al cavo USB del kit CarPlay Smart Box.

How to Watch Movie or listen music by USB Flash Player After install carplay smart box

3.L'icona USB si illuminerà.

How to Watch Movie or listen music by USB Flash Player After install carplay smart box

4. Scansiona immagini, riproduci musica e video HD.

How to Watch Movie or listen music by USB Flash Player After install carplay smart box

5. Riproduzione di video HD. (Si prega di non riprodurre video durante la guida!)

How to Watch Movie or listen music by USB Flash Player After install carplay smart box


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