Cómo conectar CarPlay inalámbrico

1.Obtenga Multimedia en el menú principal de fábrica. 

Get Multimedia at the factory main menu.  How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

2.Seleccione el canal AUX.

Select AUX channel. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

3. Presione el botón Cambiar (consulte el diagrama de instalación).

Press Switch button. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

4. Luego aparecerá el menú principal de SmartBox.

Then will get SmartBox main menu. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

5. Haga clic en "Configuración", seleccione "Bluetooth".

Click "Setup", select "Bluetooth". How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

6. Active la visibilidad.

Turn "ON" visibility. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

7. Ingrese a la configuración del iPhone.

Enter iPhone's settings. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

8. Encienda el wifi (NO conecte ninguna red), obtendrá WIFI-AP-*** (No es necesario conectarse).

Turn "ON" of the wifi. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

9. Encienda el Bluetooth y aparecerá la opción Bluetooth.

Turn "ON" Bluetooth, will get Bluetooth option. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

10. Solicitud de emparejamiento Bluetooth-par.

Bluetooth pairing request-pair. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

11. Permitir la sincronización de contactos y favoritos.

Allow Contacts and Favorites Sync. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

12. Haga clic en "Dispositivo emparejado" en Bluetooth (la visibilidad se apagará después del emparejamiento).

Click "Paired device" at Bluetooth (Visibility will turn off after paired). How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

13. Haga clic en el Bluetooth del iPhone.

Click the iPhone's Bluetooth. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

14. Luego haga clic en WIFI Carplay.

Then click WIFI Carplay. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

15. El iPhone recibirá la solicitud USE CarPlay y luego ingresará a CarPlay automáticamente.

iPhone will get USE CarPlay request, then will enter CarPlay automatically. How To Connect Wireless CarPlay After Install CarPlay Smart Box?

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